I have consistently advocated for building a strong, respectful, inclusive relationship with Indigenous Peoples here in Chilliwack and the Fraser Valley. In both my role on Council and in the position of Chair of the Fraser Valley Regional District I have been an active participant in Community to Community forums, Cultural Place Name Tours, as well as a frequent invitee to a variety of different notable social and cultural celebrations here in the Valley. I recognize and acknowledge that Chilliwack is within the traditional and un-ceded territories of the Stó:lō People. I recognize and actively support the importance of building meaningful intergovernmental relationships with all levels of Indigenous leadership here in the region, and beyond. I am also passionate about the work of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada, and I am committed to the calls to action, in particular those affecting Local, Provincial, and Federal governments. I know that our shared opportunities for prosperity rely on forging a new path forward with Indigenous partners, by clearly and truthfully understanding and recognizing past wrongs, and seeking out and advancing new opportunities to work together for a better future.
Crime is more than simply a policing issue. Crime is a community issue, and I believe in order to tackle our most challenging public safety issues we must focus efforts on prevention. If we want to create a healthy, vibrant region we have to focus on changing the conditions that influence and promote criminal activity, victimization, and insecurity. For ten years I have worked alongside the RCMP, NGO’s, Private Sector, Health Providers, and Faith Organizations to tackle issues relating to homelessness, crime and public safety. My advocacy work will continue to focus on an accountable, goal-oriented, multi-agency approach to making Chilliwack stronger and safer for all.
I am proud of my work as the Co-Chair of Chilliwack’s Public Safety Advisory Committee, and I believe in working in collaboration with multiple agencies to tackle the pressing public safety issues facing our city, and our region. In the past ten years, our committee has put forward concrete recommendations to council that have supported better resourcing to the RCMP with additional officers being hired, including mental health officers, Indigenous liaison officers, and new front-line general duty officers to support foot patrols, addressed bylaw issues around problem properties, increased resources for the homeless population, partnered with Project 529 Garage to create a local bike registry, provided advocacy and support to projects tackling youth exploitation, and advocated for a tougher response to dealing with prolific offenders.
affordable, engaged, neighbourhoods
I envision a region that provides a variety of affordable housing options for all. Whether its rural, urban, residential, or mixed-use. I believe a well-planned city, with a mix of housing options, will reduce auto dependence, cut down traffic congestion, and improve ridership on our public transportation system.
I also believe great neighbourhoods offer citizens close access to the things they need, i.e.: schools, shopping, amenities, libraries, restaurants, etc. I have consistently championed housing affordability policies, including adaptable housing standards, density bonusing for seniors and youth housing, as well as DCC (Development Cost Charges) and servicing credits for projects addressing low-income and non-market housing options. I believe some of our current housing challenges do stem from lack of supply, however, I believe it is imperative when addressing housing affordability that we look at the type of supply being built, as well as what levers we can access to streamline the development process to ensure the timeliness of product being brought to market.
I will also advocate for greater civic engagement. My whole elected life I have focused on building engagement with my constituents. I believe by continuing to seek out ideas in an innovative way we will build engagement and strengthen long-term plans for Chilliwack. In my work as a City Councillor, I was fortunate enough to help facilitate the creation of our Neighbourhood Grant Program, which has blossomed into an extremely popular program enhancing the quality of life in neighbourhoods across the City of Chilliwack.