
The climate is changing. As a policymaker, I believe that we must prioritize action now instead of abandoning this responsibility to future generations. I believe we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to harness the energy of the citizens of Chilliwack-Kent to set an example of what an inclusive, sustainable region looks like.

Here are some of Jason’s key Environmental Platform committments:

  • Quadruple fines for illegal dumping.

  • New Legislation to support local clean up efforts with fine revenue.

  • $180 million Greenheart Fund to support new parks, habitat, conservation, blue-way establishment, fish friendly flood mitigation.

  • Rebuild the Conservation Service

  • New Legislation to incentivize ‘Brownfield Remediation’

  • Implementation of wild salmon policy to restore wild stocks to healthy levels.

  • Immediately re-route the TMX off the Sardis Vedder Aquifer

  • New Provincial funding for to Local Governments to establish Food Security, and Food Waste reduction plans.

  • Establish clear Provincial and Federal funding commitment to Highway 1 widening, including dedicated Rapid Bus and HOV lanes.

  • $5 million COVID Transit recovery funding for local, regional transit systems to preserve current scheduling.

Jason Lum Campaign