
An economically sustainable region provides the key investments to services and infrastructure that will grow the local economy, promote job growth, and increase skills and training opportunities.

Here are Jason’s key investments to ensure Economic Sustainability in Chilliwack-Kent:

  • New $192 million Local Infrastructure Fund. Immediately work with local Regional, Municipal, First Nations Governments to identify and prioritize investments (Schools, Cultural & Recreation, Critical Infrastructure, Flood Mitigation)

  • $180 million Provincial/Federal Transit/Transportation Fund. Prioritize upgrades to reduce congestion, and keep people, goods, and services moving efficiently and sustainably.

  • $52 million Green Infrastructure Fund. Providing grant opportunities for flood mitigation works, adaptation, and community resiliency projects.

  • New $20 million Agriculture Innovation & Food Security Fund. Providing funding to research and development, grant opportunities to retrofit farm operations, and provide support for additional revenue opportunities supporting on farm activities.

  • Introduce a joint Provincial/UBCM panel to advance the implementation of the Strong Fiscal Futures blueprint.

  • New Small Business Grant stream to support entrepreneurs in all STEAM Fields

  • New Labour shortage program to EDO’s, Chambers, Business Groups to link employers with skills training and certification. Free education, trades, training, and certificate upgrades to anyone currently on CERB.

Jason Lum Campaign