
Jason is well known as a champion of diverse, inclusive leadership. He speaks out against injustice and champions human rights for all. Citizens should feel connected to the politicians working on their behalf. They should know that they always have the opportunity to sit down and share their ideas or concerns no matter what their personal background, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs are. Jason has proven that he will take the time, and make the effort to stay open and accessible to all citizens of Chilliwack-Kent.

Here are some of Jason’s key commitments to building a more inclusive Chilliwack-Kent:

  • Immediate implementation of an inclusive policy roundtable to include additional voices to be reflected in policy development, including under-represented voices such as Youth, Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, and LGBTQ2I+ people in Chilliwack-Kent.

  • Support Legislation enshrining the human rights of LGBTQ2I+ individuals.

  • Support immediate measures to attract more Youth to the decision making table, including a local riding wide Youth Advisory.

Myriad Group